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Миссия и стратегия


TRACKPORE TECHNOLOGY CJSC is a rapidly developing research and production company with clear realistic goals and all the tools to reach them.

From the day of its creation TRACKPORE TECHNOLOGY CJSC has been working to aid the welfare of Russia and health of its citizens. We understand all the social importance of our work and will uphold the standards of social protection of our workers.

The mission of TRACKPORE TECHNOLOGY is aiding the cause of making Russia wealthier and healthier.

Targets and purposes of the company

Targets and purposes of TRACKPORE TECHNOLOGY CJSC are realization of state policy on development of domestic healthcare, increase in quality and accessibility of medical help, support of regional healthcare modernization programs with account of special conditions in the regions, introduction of modern information technologies, increase of standards for medical services.

The expected results are lowering mortality and increased lifespan of Russians with higher living standards.

Medical equipment manufactured by TRACKPORE TECHNOLOGY CJSC is of high quality made possible by domestic developments in nanomedicine, modern European level of production and over 10 years of experience in manufacturing medical equipment for membrane plasmapheresis.

We develop safe and profitable relationships with our partners for long-term cooperation. TRACKPORE TECHNOLOGY CJSC takes great responsibility in their obligations and expects the same from their partners. Such demand to ourselves and others is the key to profitable work.

Social importance of our work

Medical equipment for membrane plasmapheresis made by TRACKPORE TECHNOLOGY CJSC allows helping patients in both stationary and field conditions, directly in the areas of natural and man-made disasters Application of our equipment reduces the time patients have to be hospitalized and lets emergency medicine specialists save people right away in dangerous areas. Even today supplies of HEMPFENIX devices and ROSA filters “allow for the lowering of prices on plasmapheresis by 10 times with quality on par with that of imported counterparts.