Since 2000 Dubna’s economy entered a period of stable economic growth. In 2006 a special economic zone started forming. Russian company TRACKPORE TECHNOLOGY is a resident of Dubna special Economic Zone in the Moscow region
Joint Institute of Nuclear Research was established by an agreement signed March 26, 1956 in Moscow and signed by representatives of 11 countries with the purpose of joining their scientific and material potential in order to study fundamental features of matter. February 1, 1957 JINR was registered in the UN. Currently JINR has following members: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Georgia, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Cuba, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and the Czech Republic. Inter-governmental agreements for cooperation are made with Hungary, Germany, Italy and South African Republic. China which had ceased its connections with JINR is re-establishing them. Today JINT is an international organizations taking active part in leading international projects. Representatives of JINR work on large Hadron Collider in European CERN and Dubna is preparing to host the next big project of the organization – International Linear Collider ILC.
Today ALPHA RPC in Dubna manufactures safe and available domestic medical equipment for plasmapheresis. ROSA plasmafilter and HEMOFENIX device are on par with best foreign counterpart, and their cost is much lower with undisputed reliability. Western technologies are based on gravitational method of blood purification. Russian medical equipment produced in Dubna makes the process easier: through one line blood is taken in small portions, purified in the plasmafilter and returned to the patient through the second line. In his speech during VI assembly of allergologists and immunologists of the CIS profesof Valery Voinov, head of Department of inter-clinical detoxification and efferent therapy of the Institute of Pulmonology State Medical University named after acad. Pavlov, highlighted the role of TRACKPORE TECHNOLOGY in turning plasmapheresis from expensive and rare procedure into an easy way of healing the organism.
Special Economic Zone Dubna
Special Economic Zones are areas given special economic status and preferences by the state in order to attract Russian and foreign investors to priority areas. According to the order of the Russian Government of 2005 Dubna received the right to host one of the four first Russian technical and innovative special economic zones along with Zelenograd, St. Petersburg and Tomsk. SEZ Dubna was created for development of technological and innovative activity mainly in informational and nuclear-physical technologies, production of new kinds of products and services. Special economic zone in Dubna provides opportunities for development of innovative business, production of high-tech equipment and introduction of it to the Russian market. In special technical and innovative zone Dubna TRACKPORE TECHNOLOGY is constructing research and production center BETA "for productions of filters and devices for cascade plasma filtration.